After Lewis, Mother in law and Edward moved out I found myself alone and in a big cold old house. Yet I enjoyed the view from the front veranda. Just before Neb turned two I found a block of land down the road selling for only $7,000. I was about an acre and could be sub divided in to three or four blocks. Lewis rushed down and made a bid and got the land.
Consequently when our divorce went through I never got anything for the land. Lewis got it lock stock and barrel as we say. The divorce went through and I got custody of my son, but I had no problems with him seeing his father when ever it was convenient. No knowing my own father I could not do this to my own child.
That block of land sold for a allot and Lewis was able to build a great big house on a block and sold the other blocks for a large sum. I got nothing for that.
I had enough money to buy a very small house in Evanston a outer suburb of Gawler so I was still nearby for Neb to see his family. I worked hard in getting the house in order and also did my own landscaping and gardening and really enjoyed my little home. Again bad choices on my part I lost it down the track.
I had a small car and used to do house work for working people and was out most days doing that while Neb was at school. So I was a supporting mother doing all the chores and all that goes in raising a child and Neb would go to his father and grandmothers and got spoilt every time with money and toys. What ever he wanted he got. But Lewis never went to any of Neb's school events or anything to do with going out and that went on until Neb was fourteen. I did all the running around getting Neb help and chastising him and the things a mother does to bring up a honest caring child. Looking back at Neb's behavior and his learning difficulties I now put it down to Aspergers or some syndrome like that. In those days nothing much was done or known about these type health issues. Lewis did not seem interested about Neb's problems and left them to me to fix up. If Neb had of been a girl I very much doubt if Lewis would of had anything to do with him and would of disowned him just as he did with his daughter Julie. He openly said he didn't like girls.
Neb was dyslexic like myself although I didn't realize I was dyslexic until years down the track and realized why school had been hard for me also growing up. I had to leave school at fifteen and work in a cake shop to save for my boarding school fees at a Seventh day Adventist College, which by the way I didn't like.
Doing the house work was hard on me and at one point my right arm swelled up so badly I was put into a sling and was to be operated on, but at the last minute the Doctors decided to leave it and eventually the swelling went down. It took around two months for that to happen and they still don't know what it was? So I had given up house cleaning at that time due to my arm.
Then every month I would have very bad period pain and many blood clots that it made my life a misery and I would have to go to bed in pain. This happened to me every month since the time of menstruation so I was always very ill every month which did not help being married to men who had no caring, empathy or any compassion at all. It sucked. It was decided in 1979 that I would have a complete hysterectomy which looking back I regretted so much. But in those days that is what they did. I had the large operation back then and my mother who had moved to Burnie in Tasmania came over for a few weeks to be with me and to meet her grandson. Neb was around four or five. Her husband my stepfather was now an ordained Seventh Day Adventist Minister. How does that happen? A pedophile is allowed to be a minister?? It makes me feel ill to this day this could happen. How many others did he abuse in his role as minister. I know of least one other.
Anyway my mother took good care of myself and Neb and she knitted Neb a very large Dr Who scarf which she made while she was with us. It was nice having my mother with me as I had not seen her for over thirteen years. So we had a bonding time. No hugs or touchy comfort but just talking and that was better than nothing. She would not acknowledge what her husband had done to me but always knew as I got older we just didn't get on and he used to pick on me allot. She knew that but didn't know why? Looking back it was his way of keeping me in control. He abused me from the age of four years old until I was around thirteen when I learned to keep out of his way.
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